Friday, March 07, 2014

Shopping + Spotting!

Selalu ada untungnya kalo dapet libur pas weekdays. Nah, alhamdulillah di trimester ini gue dapet libur di hari Jumat, sementara di trimester sebelumnya libur di hari Senin. Jadi setelah meras otak kuliah dari hari Senin sampai Kamis, Jumat emang pas banget buat refreshing. Karena hitungannya weekday, public transport kayak bus, kereta, sama feri jadwalnya masih rutin. At least ke rute-rute 'rame' kayak ke CBD (Central Business District) busnya banyak, kasarnya dateng di halte tiap 15 menit sekali. Weekend? Duh. Udah CBD pasti rame, jadwal public transport juga kena imbas--bus yang biasanya 15 menit sekali bisa jadi 30 menit sekali.

Monday, March 03, 2014

The Questions of God

So...yeah. Finally got something worth to write about. And let me tell you, this topic is...well, unusual. I have never written anything like this before, but now I just can't help it. I never imagined that I would be writing this, but here I am.

Yesterday I watched an episode of RTE TV show The Meaning of Life. It's an Irish television show (RTE stands for Raidio Teilifis Eireann, or Radio and Television of Ireland) hosted by prominent Irish presenter Gay Byrne, basically featuring public figures--politicians, musicians, actors, you name it--being asked about...well, about the meaning of life. More specifically, Uncle Gaybo--Byrne's nickname--invites those public figures to talk about God, their spiritualism, significant events in their lives, and so on. The episode I watched features Andrea Corr, the lead singer of my all-time favourite band and one of my girl crushes (yeah, I have girl crushes. Problem?).