Wednesday, March 18, 2015

The Boy Who Wants to Fly

He is listening to the radio as I enter his room with a tray of breakfast - two slices of toast, butter, and a glass of milk because he wouldn't take anything else. The annoyingly jovial breakfast show broadcasters are talking about some exotic holiday destinations. I doubt that he understands any word, but I know he really enjoys the sound the device makes. His eyes wander across the room, dark since the curtain hasn't been opened yet. Finally he acknowledges my presence and I smile at him.

"Good morning, Mr Evans," I say, putting the tray on a small table across where he's sitting. "Hungry yet? Fresh milk today, just the way you like it. And why is it so dark here?" I open the curtain and he squints.

I give him an apologetic look, and he takes his milk. He takes a sip, and then puts the glass back down without a word. I sigh.

Thursday, March 05, 2015

Thank God I Have Parents, Not Sharents

Warning: Postingan ini berpotensi nyinyir.

Layaknya orang-orang yang berusia hampir 20 tahun, gue lengket sama internet. Ada dua kondisi di mana gue sering terlihat: dengan henpon di tangan atau laptop di pangkuan. Gue juga lumayan aktif di media sosial. Gue punya akun Twitter, Facebook, Path, Instagram,, dan tentunya blog. Ketika gue nggak posting apapun di media sosial, gue jelalatan aja ngeliatin timeline. Di media sosial ada salah satu fenomena yang udah narik perhatian gue setahunan lebih. Fenomena sharenting.

Jadi sharent itu apa sih? Kata Wikipedia, sharent itu portmanteau (penggabungan kata) share dan parent. Jujur, istilah ini baru-baru ini aja gue temuin. Sebelumnya gue nggak pernah tau apa nama 'bener'-nya. Oke, kembali ke arti sharent. Share artinya berbagi, parent artinya orangtua. Berbagi yang dimaksud di sini adalah berbagi informasi tentang anak di media sosial. So, sharent adalah sebutan buat orangtua yang demen sebar informasi soal anaknya di media sosial - foto-foto di Facebook/Instagram/Path, postingan di blog, anekdot di Twitter, dan lain-lain.
Picture from State of Digital