Tuesday, December 06, 2011

All the Way

Type: Fan fiction
Genre: Angst, hurt/comfort
Rating: K+
Fandom: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
Disclaimer: I own nothing but the fic.

It was a chilly morning when she arrived.

A big signboard greeted her. Or, she thought, mocked her. She sighed. She never thought that life would lead her to this point. Never, even in her wildest imagination. She tried to hold back her tears. She was strong. It was no secret that Alex Cabot, the Ice Queen of an ADA, never cried. But this time she did anyway. She felt a few drops of water filling her eyes. She didn't care. After all, for awhile she would not be Alexandra Cabot. That name, with all its glory, she had to throw away for Heaven knew how long. Again, she sighed.

"Welcome to Wisconsin, Miss Ca..." one of the guards that had been surrounding her said, "uh, I mean...er--you, welcome to Wisconsin. I'm sure you'll like it here."

She smiled bitterly. What a joke, she thought. She didn't care how pleasant Wisconsin might be. One thing she was sure, she would feel so empty here. She missed New York already, and also her friends and family there. But most of all, she would miss herself. Her real self.

She was totally unaware of what her guards had been talking about. She was trapped in her own thoughts. Physically, she was in Wisconsin. But her soul was always in New York. With her uninjured hand, she hugged herself.

"We'll meet Agent Hammond outside," another guard said. "I suppose you'll be given your new identity by then."

Your new identity. She took a deep breath. Until God knew when, she would have to be someone else. It would be no problem to adjust with her new name and new job. But for sure she would have a lot of problems to think as someone else.

She silently wiped away her tears. She looked around, everything seemed so blur--she was sure it wasn't because she wasn't wearing her glasses. If only I had a choice...she thought.

Her conscience answered that no, she didn't have any.

She glanced at her left side. The plane that carried her all the way from New York to Wisconsin was staying still. She wished she could hop onto the plane and go back to New York, where she truly belonged.

As another plane flew to a direction she believed to be New York, she felt tears floating down her pale cheeks. Would she ever come back?

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