Tuesday, December 06, 2011

All the Way

Type: Fan fiction
Genre: Angst, hurt/comfort
Rating: K+
Fandom: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
Disclaimer: I own nothing but the fic.

It was a chilly morning when she arrived.

A big signboard greeted her. Or, she thought, mocked her. She sighed. She never thought that life would lead her to this point. Never, even in her wildest imagination. She tried to hold back her tears. She was strong. It was no secret that Alex Cabot, the Ice Queen of an ADA, never cried. But this time she did anyway. She felt a few drops of water filling her eyes. She didn't care. After all, for awhile she would not be Alexandra Cabot. That name, with all its glory, she had to throw away for Heaven knew how long. Again, she sighed.

Sunday, November 06, 2011

Gone with Regrets

As you died, part of me was gone, too.

It sounds so much of a cliché, but it is beyond true. I am now a different person than I was when you were around. Everybody says so, and I couldn’t agree more. A huge part of me left as you did. That part left me a person I am now. A person I don’t even recognize. A stranger to myself.

You were part of me. You were my partner, mentor, best friend. You were whatever I needed you to be. You were always there for me. It was always you. Not my sister, not my parents. It was you.

But I was so selfish that I wanted more. I wanted you to be more than my partner, more than my best friend. I wanted you. It was inevitable. We spent too much time together, much to my liking. It was a torture—for you didn’t know how I truly felt about you in those times we’d spent together, but it was sweet at the same time. It was a beautiful agony.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

An Open Letter to Sam Stosur

Dear Sam,

I'm not your biggest fan for sure, but I'm certain it doesn't mean I cannot write this.

First of all, I'd like to congratulate you on your US Open victory. What an achievement, Lady, what an achievement. Winning your first Grand Slam by beating a player who was heavily favored to win by lots of people--myself included? Simply splendid.

To be honest, I didn't expect you to win. At all. Not that you'd been playing badly, no. Mostly because your opponent in the Final, Serena Williams, had been playing some extraordinary tennis for the past fortnight. Not that I'm not happy with your victory, though; quite on the contrary, I am delighted You are one of my favorite players on the WTA Tour, and also one of the greatest talents in the game. I'd been wondering when you'd win the biggest thing looked for by all tennis players in the world--a Grand Slam title. The singles one, of course, I know you've won multiple Slams in doubles.

Saturday, July 02, 2011

Last Year, No Way. This Year, Well...

Last year, I was grieving during Wimbledon because my favorite female player of all-time, Justine Henin, lost in the fourth round to big rival Kim Clijsters. There she also fell on the court, and the injury would eventually end her career on January 26, 2011.

Plus, my man Roger Federer lost in the quarterfinals to another man of mine, Tomas Berdych, who would reach the final before losing to Rafa Nadal.

But there were two players I kept my eyes on.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Boom Boom

There she's walking
Racquet in her hand
Brave steps she's taking
On the court, a grassed land

What lies ahead?
Nobody knows the answer
What will she get?
Only our Lord knows what to give her

Saturday, June 04, 2011

And the Coupe Suzanne Lenglen Goes to...


She beat defending champion Francesca Schiavone 6 - 4, 7 - 6(0). She played almost flawless for the first set and a half. In the middle of the first set Fran showed her usual spirit--which she didn't show during the first set, it was all too late. During the tiebreaker once again Li played flawlessly, she didn't give Fran a chance to win a single point!

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Joyeux Anniversaire, Justine Henin!

I made it a few hours ago after coming home today. I know my handwriting is not very neat (it is a little bit messy, in fact :p), but at least it is still readable :)

Happy 29th birthday, Justine. I wish you all the grandest in your life, and I hope you know how much I miss you. You are my favorite tennis player ever and always will be :) allez!

Can. You. Believe. IT?

So, here is the Women's Singles Semifinal lineups for Roland Garros...
(defeated Sveta 7 - 6(7), 6 - 4--sadly)
(defeated Pavs 1 - 6, 7 - 5, 7 -5--it was a superb match, really. The best on the women's side so far, I think)

Sunday, May 29, 2011

First Piece on Roland Garros

Okay, so this is my first ever blog post as a 16-year-old.

Yeah, I have not written anything related to Roland Garros. This tournament is still, of course, interesting. Though I--and many other people--feel some kind of incompleteness to watch the tournament without Justine. She was the Queen of Paris, and her clay court game is one of the grandest in the history of tennis.

Monday, May 16, 2011


Untuk entah keberapa kalinya ia baca ketiga surat itu. Surat pelipur lara, pengingat bahwa masih ada yang berharga di dunia ini yang ia miliki. Tak ada kata-kata bersayap, tak ada majas-majas manis ala penyair, tetapi baginya kata demi kata dalam surat-surat itu lebih indah dari syair manapun. Kata-kata itu yang dengan hangat menyentuh hatinya yang dingin, dengan setia menemaninya di kala sepi menghampiri.

Tuhan berkati, Anakku, lekaslah pulang. Kata surat pertama. Surat yang ditulis seorang ibunda yang tak henti-hentinya merapal doa setiap malam, memohon agar putra kesayangannya lekas kembali dengan selamat. Hati sang putra pedih membayangkan air mata ibunya yang tumpah di lantai gereja di kampung halaman mereka, suaranya yang parau memohon hal yang sama kepada Tuhan. Ia teringat ketika ia masih kecil, tak lebih dari tujuh tahun usianya, dibawa sang ibu melihat parade tentara berseragam yang gagah.

Thursday, May 05, 2011

Sebentar Lagi Kelas Sepuluh Berakhir

Yak, hanya dalam hitungan minggu, kelas sepuluh SMA bakal berakhir.

Iye, sekolah gua tercintrong UAS-nya tanggal 23 Mei (kenapa harus tanggal 20-an Mei ya T_T), dan itu berarti di pertengahan Roland Garros a.k.a. French Open. Asal bisa bagi waktu sih kaga masalah...

Ga kerasa aja bentar lagi gue mau masuk kelas sebelas, rasanya baru kemaren gue daftar masuk Global, ngerjain soal tes matematika yang bener-bener bikin desperado, bahasa Inggris, TIK, terus diwawancarain seorang guru, deg-degan nungguin hasil tes dan ternyata alhamdulillah gue lulus dengan nilai A (sampe sekarang gue masih ga abis pikir kenapa bisa dapet A, jelas-jelas soal tes matematika gue ngasal 50% lebih). Terus pra-MOS, di sana gue ketemu temen pertama gue, di-MOS, masuk kelas X.1 yang meskipun kadang-kadang nyebelin tetep pancen oye, ketemu guru-guru, dapet wali kelas guru kimia, dapet kelas Mandarin dan pas hari pertama sukses bengong di kelas, ikut life skill di Yogyakarta...et cetera.

Saturday, April 09, 2011

Rebecca Black's "Friday"

Kalo lo aktif berinternet kayak gua, pasti lo tau Rebecca Black. Buat yang nggak atau belum tau, Rebecca Black itu penyanyi AS yang ngetop gara-gara video klip lagunya, "Friday". Yang tertarik nonton, silakan buka http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CD2LRROpph0, dengan satu syarat: urat ketawa lo harus kuat.

Nggak kayak orang kebanyakan yang tau soal Black dari Tumblr, gue tau dia dari Twitter (gue punya Tumblr sih, tapi Tumblr gue dikhususkan untuk segala hal tentang tenis :D). Penasaran, pas suatu kali gue ke rumah temen gue, gue iseng cari videonya di YouTube.

Kesan pertama gue soal video itu: konyol.

Friday, April 08, 2011


Goodnight, sleep tight, my Friend
The day has come to an end
See the stars shining brightly out there
Waiting for you to have some dreams to share

This day has been pretty tough
Close your eyes and forget what all happened to be rough
Relax, I will be there
I am not going anywhere

Saturday, March 26, 2011

This is a poem written by Alexandra Stevenson, 1999 Wimbledon semifinalist and former World No. 18:

The tennis court is meant to showcase grace and power,
Unstoppable athleticism where the ball sails like a fast-moving car
Impossible shots that skid through the court
For one player there is a final shot missed
A ball that is driven twice as hard as needed
Or a lob that arcs the wrong way across the blue sky
A deep volley that is punched into the loose net

Thursday, February 17, 2011


So today...em, nothing special. This morning I had bread and cheese for breakfast--as usual, and then left for school at 6:30 am.

I arrived at school at 6:45. Then I studied geography for the test today. To be honest, it wasn't so difficult, but I'm not very sure I'll get 100.

After the geography test, we had a TOEFL listening test. It'd have been not so difficult if I didn't put too much pressure on myself. I kept thinking about the TOEFL score I need to get in order to go to my preferred university after graduating from high school. Last semester I didn't expect anything from my TOEFL test and my score was 530. And to go to my preferred university, I need to get at least 550.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Friday, Dua Ulangan~~

Hari ini hari Jumat. Biasanya gue seneng sama hari Jumat, karena sekolah pulang cepet dan besoknya udah weekends. Tapi hari ini gue enggak terlalu seneng.


Karena hari ini ulangan. Dua pelajaran. Matematika dan kimia. Dua-duanya gue enggak terlalu suka. Taulah, dua-duanya pelajaran ngitung, dan otak gue emang agak susah diajak kompromi sama hitungan (kecuali ngitung duit atau ngitung skor pertandingan tenis). Kalo hafalan? Gaspol~

Saturday, February 05, 2011


Hmm...kenapa judulnya livescore? Kenapa ya? Kok bisa begitu? Ih gimana sih kok judulnya gitu?

Jadi tadinya kan gue baca blog anak sekolah gue gitu, terus yaa mendadak pengen nulis juga. Tapi gua bingung, mau nulis apa. Kebetulan gue lagi mantau livescore Fed Cup--Belgia vs AS, Rep. Ceko vs Slovakia, Jerman vs Slovenia, Rusia vs Prancis, Swedia vs Ukraina, sama Spanyol vs Estonia. Oh ya, Fed Cup itu turnamen tenis beregu putri antarnegara, mirip-mirip Uber Cup gitu lah kalo di bulutangkis. Berhubung V****n 1 S***t biasanya cuma nayangin final Fed sama Davis Cup (turnamen tenis beregu putra antarnegara), jadinya ya mau nggak mau gue harus cari livescore di internet. Tadinya mau livestream, tapi takut internet lemot, dan livestream Fed Cup itu nggak gratis alias bayar -_- pake kartu kredit gitulah, ndangerti juga saya, wong kartu kredit aja ndapunya -,-"

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Masa-masa Suram 1997 - 1998

Halo Kawan...

Nah, tadinya gua lagi pacaran ria aja sama si Laptop, ngetweet, buka Facebook, dst., sampe inget kalo gue punya blog baru. Dan gue lagi pengen nulis sesuatu. Awalnya bingung mau nulis apa, terus gua inget kalo di Tunisia dan Mesir sekarang lagi rusuh-rusuhnya. Jujur gue nggak begitu tau penyebab kerusuhan di dua negara itu, karena gue udah lama banget ga baca koran karena gua baru pindah rumah dan belum nemu agen koran yang deket-deket sini, dan udah lama juga ga nonton berita. Kenapa gue jadi jarang nonton berita, karena dua minggu ini ada turnamen tenis Australian Open, jadi tentunya gue nonton itu terus, lagian gue bingung mau nonton berita di channel apa. Sebenernya channel TV dengan berita terbaik tuh ya Metro TV sama tvOne, tapi kedua channel tersebut makin lama bikin risih aja karena beritanya nggak pernah netral, selalu ada keberpihakan politik. Sesekali aja gue buka situs berita di internet, atau mantau berita yang muncul di Twitter.

Friday, January 28, 2011

High School, High School...

It's been almost two years since I started high school. At the beginning I thought high school was one of the stinkiest things in the world. I was bored, tired of waking up early and going to same place five days a week, sick of assignments, not being able to get along with my classmates, somewhat disgusted with some teachers, etc. But this semester I've started enjoying it. A lot.

So, let me tell you a few things about my school. It is considered as one of the best private schools in Bekasi--some agree, some don't. Students should choose one of the two majors--Science and Business--when they are in grade 11. I'm going  to choose Business, of course. For some reason science subjects--except biology--always suck to me. I guess I'm just more gifted at memorizing :p. I don't care if people say Business Class is for stupid people, which isn't true at all.


So, this is my new blog. I created it because nowadays I realize that writing can make me feel much better. I do not want to explain the content of this blog, but definitely I write what I want to write here (diary, thoughts, short stories, poems, etc.). Enjoy.
