Sunday, January 30, 2011

Masa-masa Suram 1997 - 1998

Halo Kawan...

Nah, tadinya gua lagi pacaran ria aja sama si Laptop, ngetweet, buka Facebook, dst., sampe inget kalo gue punya blog baru. Dan gue lagi pengen nulis sesuatu. Awalnya bingung mau nulis apa, terus gua inget kalo di Tunisia dan Mesir sekarang lagi rusuh-rusuhnya. Jujur gue nggak begitu tau penyebab kerusuhan di dua negara itu, karena gue udah lama banget ga baca koran karena gua baru pindah rumah dan belum nemu agen koran yang deket-deket sini, dan udah lama juga ga nonton berita. Kenapa gue jadi jarang nonton berita, karena dua minggu ini ada turnamen tenis Australian Open, jadi tentunya gue nonton itu terus, lagian gue bingung mau nonton berita di channel apa. Sebenernya channel TV dengan berita terbaik tuh ya Metro TV sama tvOne, tapi kedua channel tersebut makin lama bikin risih aja karena beritanya nggak pernah netral, selalu ada keberpihakan politik. Sesekali aja gue buka situs berita di internet, atau mantau berita yang muncul di Twitter.

Friday, January 28, 2011

High School, High School...

It's been almost two years since I started high school. At the beginning I thought high school was one of the stinkiest things in the world. I was bored, tired of waking up early and going to same place five days a week, sick of assignments, not being able to get along with my classmates, somewhat disgusted with some teachers, etc. But this semester I've started enjoying it. A lot.

So, let me tell you a few things about my school. It is considered as one of the best private schools in Bekasi--some agree, some don't. Students should choose one of the two majors--Science and Business--when they are in grade 11. I'm going  to choose Business, of course. For some reason science subjects--except biology--always suck to me. I guess I'm just more gifted at memorizing :p. I don't care if people say Business Class is for stupid people, which isn't true at all.


So, this is my new blog. I created it because nowadays I realize that writing can make me feel much better. I do not want to explain the content of this blog, but definitely I write what I want to write here (diary, thoughts, short stories, poems, etc.). Enjoy.
